Your crypto assets in Bitget Wallet are secured. Users who suffered loss in the Bitget Swap security incident will be fully compensated


Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) Swap was hacked, and our development team has managed to contain the emergency and stopped the hacker. The attack was directed to the BNB Chain, causing a loss of about 1 million US dollars.

For this accident, Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) is taking the following measures:

1. Suspend Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) Swap service to ensure that there are no further asset security issues;

2. Launch a wallet safety assurance feature and along with it a one-tap repair feature;

3. Communicate and cooperate with major security agencies to track down the hackers, and do our best to recover the stolen assets;

4. Reimburse users who suffered losses (full amount; the specific plan will be announced later);

5. Encourage people who can assist in identifying the hackers and recovering the stolen assets to contact us. You will be highly rewarded. Thank you in advance.

Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) apologizes for the inconvenience caused. Please rest assured that all your assets in your Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) Wallet are safe. We will cooperate with security agencies in the industry to strengthen the security of Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) Swap and ensure the safety of users' assets.

Please stay tuned for more details.

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